
Thursday, July 24, 2008

OOH & Screenery media, Kochi

OOH is OUT OF HOME Media and encompasses all outdoor medium of advt. including Flex Hoardings, other Billboards and Signboards with a huge helping of your creative juices that can flow freely from one medium to another and perhaps spill over to the surroundings and take everything possible into its stride to hammer the message deep into the mind of the viewer. It is a fantastic application to get the maximum eyeballs and turn every other advt. medium look like peanuts. It is very engaging, interactive and has tremendous recall.
What Screenery has done is nothing but the usual Flatbed Truck Billboard with Malabar Gold, Mohanlal and that outdated Hemamalini and daughter on board. The Flatbed Truck Billboard is being kicked out of the Metros. So are the regular Flex hoardings. Decorating a Bus Shelter is no big deal. Screenery is yet to show some real stuff.


Anonymous said...

Kerala Market is just like any other Rural Market and will catch up slowly. When things get outdated in big cities, it becomes a big hit in Kerala.

Anonymous said...

What Screenery did is just another innovative Outdoor advt. method (Flatbed Truck) which is seen around in Kerala cities in recent times. It will take some time to get that fashion outdated. Relax Seeandoh.

Anonymous said...

I am big fan of sailing, regettas and advt. OOH is a highly creative medium and the open sea is huge canvas to experiment. Can Screenery do it ? Do they have the talents ? That is what we have to look for the event. Flex Hoardings, Bus shelters, Kiosks and Flatbed trucks are not real OOH...!!!